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(818) 707-0202

Westlake Village Modification Attorney

When a couple separates or divorces, the final divorce arrangements are rarely final. The lives of both people will inevitably change after separation, and it may be necessary to make arrangements for various aspects of a divorce agreement. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, our qualified and experienced team is ready to help you make the adjustments necessary so you can continue living your life. Our Westlake Village modifications attorney is here for you.

Child custody modifications are common.

At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we commonly help clients who need modifications to child custody orders. California has guidelines to ensure that both parents continue to support their children, even when their lives change. There are various reasons that custody or visitation modifications may be needed. This can include:

  • Relocation. If one parent moves, they usually require a change to custody or visitation agreements.
  • Criminal issues. If a parent runs into trouble with the law, the other parent may need to request custody or visitation changes.
  • Physical abuse. If a parent physically abuses a child, law enforcement should be involved, and the other parent should request custody modifications.
  • Substance abuse. When one parent abuses alcohol or drugs, changes to child custody may need to occur on a temporary or permanent basis.

Child support may need to change.

Child support modifications could be requested for various reasons. If the paying spouse’s financial situation improves or worsens, child support may need to be adjusted accordingly. It is essential to understand that child support is mandatory, and both spouses can only change the payment amounts with approval from the California family court.

Spousal support may change.

Whether you are paying spousal support or receiving payments, modifications may be necessary after the divorce. This could be due to the receiving spouse remarrying or even actively working to avoid remarrying so they can continue to receive alimony payments. It may also be necessary to make changes if the paying spouse’s financial situation changes dramatically.

Mediation may be an option.

At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we offer mediation services for clients who want to resolve these issues through a more amicable and efficient process. Mediation provides a calmer environment in which to go through these processes, which is helpful when there are children between the two parties.

Let us help make the adjustments you need

When two people separate, their lives will inevitably change. This can lead to once-viable divorce agreements needing to be more tenable. When changes need to be made to child support, child custody, alimony, and more, you need to work with a skilled attorney. Please understand that no changes to final divorce arrangements can happen without working through the courts. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we are ready to help you through this. Our Westlake Village modifications attorneys understand these laws and will ensure you are treated fairly. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (818) 707-0202.

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