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Simi Valley Complex Property Division Attorney

Property division is one of the most complex parts of a divorce process. However, the process can become even more complicated when there are entangled assets or if this is a high-asset divorce case. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we are fully qualified to handle any property divorce case you have. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will uncover all assets involved and negotiate on your behalf. When you need a Simi Valley complex property division lawyer, we are here to help.

How are these cases different?

California is a community property state. This means any property acquired during the marriage is considered jointly owned (community property). This impacts a divorce because the law requires that all community property be split equally between the two separating parties. This is already one of the most complex parts of the divorce process, and it can be even more complicated when the assets involved are considered “high-value.”

What makes these cases more complicated

To answer that question, we want you to look at some of the assets involved in these cases:

  • Investment portfolios
  • Retirement accounts (401ks, IRAs, etc.)
  • Stock options related to employment agreements, business interests, etc.
  • Real estate property (marital homes, second homes, vacation homes, commercial property, investment property)
  • Any businesses owned by either party
  • Professional practices in which one party may be a partner (physician PLLCs, law firms, accounting firms, etc.)
  • Investments and collectibles, including things like art collections, jewelry, cars, and more

Any of those is hard enough to split. In high-asset or complex property cases, they often have to contend with every one of those items.

A skilled attorney is necessary.

Your divorce attorney will be the one handling all of this for you. The discovery process will be necessary for a Simi Valley complex property division case. If one party is hiding assets or is being mistreated, your attorney will work to uncover the truth by:

  • Demanding documents that foreclose financial records (loan applications, tax returns, bank records, etc.)
  • Inspecting any safe deposit boxes
  • Requiring your spouse to give a deposition under oath
  • Handle all negotiations related to the property division on your behalf

We are here to help you today

You do not have to fear the process of property division in a divorce. We know this is a tough time for you and that you may have complex assets that must be sorted through. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we will ensure you are treated fairly at every step. Our qualified and experienced team will work on your behalf to ensure this process goes smoothly. When you need a Simi Valley complex property division attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (818) 707-0202.

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