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(818) 707-0202

Thousand Oaks Child Support Attorney

When a couple has a child but goes through a divorce or separation, they are still responsible for supporting their child. Child support is a vital part of helping ensure children are adequately cared for in this state. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, our certified family law specialists are ready to help ensure that you and your child are treated fairly throughout this process. Our Thousand Oaks child support attorneys will be by your side throughout your case.

California takes child support seriously.

Throughout this page, we will refer to the California Family Code because the laws specifically discuss why child support is essential and how the amount is determined. The court has determined that the most crucial obligation of both parents is the support of their child. This obligation is mutual, and the payment amounts are based on each parent’s income and how much time each parent has with the child’s custody and visitation. The court also heavily weighs what is in the child’s best interests.

It is essential to understand that raising a child, particularly in California, is expensive. A Custodial parent has tremendous expenses, including rent/mortgage payments and utilities, to ensure the child has stable shelter. Other essential costs to consider include:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • School tuition and supplies
  • Childcare
  • Healthcare costs
  • Other unexpected costs

How will an attorney help with child support

Even though child support amounts are calculated using a formula provided by the state. However, a Thousand Oaks child support attorney will be able to help:

  • Ensure that both parents’ income is calculated correctly
  • Ensure self-employment income is calculated
  • Resolve disputes involving voluntarily unemployed parents
  • Working to uncover any attempts to hide assets by a paying parent

Your attorney will be your advocate, working to protect you whether or not you are receiving payments or paying child support.

Can you modify the child support?

Modifications to child support may need to be made after a final agreement. The lives of both parents will inevitably change after a separation. This could include income gains or losses, home loss, custody changes, etc. Any modifications to child support must be made by first petitioning the family court. Any changes made outside of the court are not enforceable.

We will ensure you are treated fairly

When you are going through a divorce or separation and have children, one of the most challenging parts of the process will concern child support. Both parents must support their children after a divorce, but correctly calculating support amounts can be complicated. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we are ready to help you through every aspect of your case. Whether this is a new divorce matter or a modification to existing child support, our Thousand Oaks child support attorneys are here. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (818) 707-0202.

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