
Simi Valley Child Support Attorney

During the divorce process, some of the most important things that must be decided are child support matters. If you and your spouse have minor children, both of you must continue supporting them. You may need help from a Simi Valley child support attorney to ensure you are treated fairly. The certified family law specialists at the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch are ready to work on your behalf. We will ensure you are paying the correct amount or receiving the support money you should be receiving.

Child support is vitally important

Child support payments ensure the needs of your children are met. California has Child Support Guidelines that use a mathematical formula to compute child support awards.

Child support payments are taken seriously by the state of California. They are necessary so that the cost of raising a child does not fall on one parent. When you think about the cost of raising a child, it can be overwhelming:

  • School supplies
  • Clothing
  • Food
  • School tuition
  • Medical expenses
  • Childcare

Consider the costs of rent or mortgage payments and housing utilities.

Calculating child support payments depends on several factors many may not realize. Indeed, the final child custody agreement and parents’ income and housing situation will be examined.

We also have experience handling the following:

  • Calculating the income of self-employed parents
  • Disputes with voluntarily unemployed parents
  • Handling seasonal income and bonus pay
  • Costs associated with caring for disabled children
  • Other issues related to child support

Modifications may be necessary

After a divorce, one or both parents may undergo significant lifestyle changes that require a modification to child support. This could include the loss of a job, a promotion, the loss of a home, and more. Please do not make changes on your own. Always ensure you go through the California family court system.

I am not paying child support

If a parent does not pay court-ordered child support, they could face serious legal trouble. Punishments for not paying child support include:

  • Jail time and fines
  • Accrual of debt that affects your credit score
  • Interest on unpaid child support
  • Liens on your property

Naturally, if your ex is not paying child support according to the terms established by the court, you may require assistance enforcing those terms. A Simi Valley child support attorney can provide the help you need.

However, there are instances when parents unfairly or dishonestly accuse their exes of not paying child support. You may also benefit from legal representation if you are falsely accused of paying less in child support than you have been ordered. Again, because the punishments you may face if the court determines you are not adequately paying child support can have a significant impact on your life, you need to protect yourself with the help of a legal professional.

Additional factors are potentially impacting child support payments

The factors a court may account for when making decisions regarding the terms of a child support arrangement in California can vary depending on the specific circumstances of a case. The above factors are not the only ones a judge may consider when calculating child support payments.

For example, the parent with full or primary custody of the children must pay for childcare services. This might be the case if they work during the day or receive training to improve their odds of securing gainful employment. In this case, the court may require the other parent to assist in paying for child care.

Travel costs might also be accounted for when a parent has been granted visitation rights. To ensure that the parent is permitted to see their children according to the legal terms of their agreement, one parent may need to make regular travel arrangements. Thus, the cost of travel might be a factor the judge accounts for during the child support calculation process.

Additionally, a parent might be required to pay union dues, pay for health insurance, or make other payments that limit the amount of money they can afford to pay for child support.

These are just a few examples. They are not meant to overwhelm you. Instead, they highlight the importance of coordinating with the experts at a Simi Valley child support law firm when child support payments are being calculated or disputes arise because one parent believes another is not paying what is legally required. Resolving these issues efficiently and in a manner that’s fair to you is much easier when you have proper legal representation.

Call us when you are ready to get started

If you are going through a divorce and have minor children, the entire ballgame is different. Divorces are tough as it is, but when figuring out child support, the process can get even more complex. When you come to the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we will be by your side. Our knowledgeable and experienced team wants to ensure you are treated fairly, whether you receive child support or the one paying child support. When you need a Simi Valley child support lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (818) 707-0202.

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