
Thousand Oaks Legal Separation Attorney

Marriages are not easy, and there are times when couples consider divorcing. We know this is not uncommon and is often the best route. However, many people may choose to pursue another option, called “legal separation,” which can offer certain benefits as opposed to a complete divorce. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, our certified family law specialists understand all aspects of separation in these cases, and we will work to achieve a fair outcome on your behalf. Let our Thousand Oaks legal separation attorneys get to work on your case today.

Why would someone need a legal separation

Divorces are not uncommon. In the Thousand Oaks area, the Statistical Atlas tells us that approximately 12% of all people here are divorced. However, we know that many other couples choose alternative routes to divorce. There are various reasons why a couple would pursue legal separation instead of a divorce. This could be because of a couple of things:

  • It still needs to be made clear if they want a divorce and want to allow for future reconciliation.
  • They cannot divorce due to religious practices that forbid it.
  • Wants to remain married to retain various tax and healthcare benefits.

After a legal separation is completed, both parties in the couple are free to live their lives how they see fit. If they decide to divorce in the future, most of the aspects involved in that process will already be resolved through legal separation.

What needs to be determined in these cases

You will find that a legal separation requires both parties to resolve some of the complicated matters necessary for a divorce. This can include:

  • The division of marital assets
  • Additional payment to a spouse of lesser means
  • Child custody and visitation issues
  • Child support payments

If minor children are involved in a legal separation case, parents are still legally obligated to care for the child. Child support can be ordered even if a marriage has not dissolved.

How long does it take to separate legally

Legal separations do not take as long as complete divorces. However, various factors could affect the timeline of these cases. Just like a divorce, a legal separation can be contested or uncontested. The process could take longer when a couple does not agree on one or more issues in the case.

Our team is ready to help you through this

When married couples are going through a hard time, most people understand that divorce is one option. However, many couples choose to pursue legal separation before a divorce or as an alternative altogether. At the Law Offices of Ronald K. Stitch, we are ready to help you through this process. Many of the issues involved in this process are similar to a divorce, and we will ensure you are treated fairly. When you need a Thousand Oaks legal separation attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (818) 707-0202.

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